Dienstag, 5. September 2017

After the storm

Sandy Beach Accretion waves (SBA1). (SRP) This morning on rig 1, as it had ended up being down, I jumped in the flume once again. The water temperature is not getting any warmer, no surprise, it is refreshing when I come out! SRP fixed, time to carry on with wave run SBA1, and just in time for lunch!
Looks like all this data collection is taking its toll on someone! 
Figure 1,2,3 (SB1, SBE1, SBE2 and SBA1), you can see the beach profile changing over time. As expected, the erosive waves (SBE) significantly erode the beach face. The sandbar builds up and SBE waves. SBA waves cause it to be erode but ripples form in its place.
This is one of the most important aspects of the experiment. Fingers crossed all goes to plan!
Figure 1 -Cross-shore profile of the beachface. Includes the first full profile of the experiment (blue). Up to a meter of sand has eroded over the course of the experiment. 

Figure 2 - Cross-shore profile of the sandbar. Sandbar is migrating offshore and accreting waves are causing the bar to erode and form ripples.
Figure 3 - Overall cross-shore profile. You can see an inner trough forming at ~254 m as a result of accreting waves.

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